Hurmuzachi, Eudoxiu
Hurmuzachi, Eudoxiu, b 29 September 1812 in Chornivka near Chernivtsi, d 10 February 1874 in Chernivtsi. Romanian baron, historian, and politician. A Ukrainophobic Romanian chauvinist, he founded the anti-Ukrainian Party of Patriots in Bukovyna and developed a theory of ‘Ukrainianized Romanians.’ He petitioned the Austrian government in 1848–9 to separate Bukovyna from Galicia and unite it with Transylvania. He published and edited the German- and Romanian-language newspaper Bucovina (1848–52) and wrote historical works on Romania and Bukovyna, including Fragmente zur Geschichte der Rumüanen (5 vols, 1878–86) and Slavisierung der Bukowina (1900). He started the collection of historical charters and documents on the Romanians known as Colecţia Hurmuzaki (44 vols, 1874–99), of which he collected 11 volumes. This collection contains some materials on the history of Ukraine.
[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 2 (1988).]
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