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The Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies gratefully acknowledges the following generous contributions to the Internet Encyclopedia of Ukraine project:
Donations over $700,000
Canadian Foundation for Ukrainian Studies (Toronto, ON, Canada)
Donations over $400,000
The Shevchenko Ukrainian Senior Citizens Home Fund (Windsor, ON, Canada)
Donations from $100,000 to $149,999
The Michael Kowalsky and Daria Mucak-Kowalsky Endowment Fund at the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies (Edmonton, AB, Canada)
Donations from $50,000 to $74,999
An anonymous donor (Toronto, ON, Canada)
Alberta Learning, Learning Technologies Branch (Edmonton, AB, Canada)
The Stephen and Olga Pawluk Ukrainian Studies Endowment Fund at the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies (Edmonton, AB, Canada)
Donations from $25,000 to $49,999
Arkadi Mulak-Yatzkivsky (Los Angeles, CA, USA)
The Foundation of the Encyclopedia of Ukraine (Toronto, ON, Canada)
The Ivan and Zenovia Boyko Endowment Fund at the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies (Edmonton, AB, Canada)
The University of Alberta, Office of the Vice-President (Research) (Edmonton, AB, Canada)
Donations from $20,000 to $24,999
Canadian Foundation for Ukrainian Studies (Teodor Butrej's bequest) (Toronto, ON, Canada)
The Rev. Marian and Dr. Roman Curkowskyj Foundation (Toronto, ON, Canada)
Donations from $10,000 to $19,999
Bohdan and Alexandra Bulchak (Toronto, ON, Canada)
The Franko Foundation (Toronto, ON, Canada)
The estate of Nadia Shyrka (Toronto, ON, Canada)
W. K. Lypynsky East European Research Institute (USA)
Donations from $5,000 to $9,999
Dr. Michael Dashchuk (Toronto, ON, Canada)
Joseph A. Karnas (Toronto, ON, Canada) (in memory of his mother Ksena)
Ihor and Anne Stebelsky (Windsor, ON, Canada)
Teofil Sudomlak (Renown Park, S.A., Australia)
Ukrainian Selfreliance Federal Credit Union (Philadelphia, PA, USA)
Donations from $2,500 to $4,999
Steve Fedchyshak (St. Catharines, ON, Canada)
Nadia Kazymyra and George Dzioba (Ottawa, ON, Canada)
Toronto Ukrainian Library Association (Etobicoke, ON, Canada)
Donations from $1,000 to $2,499
Eugene Baczynsky (Cleveland, OH, USA)
George and Oksana Dexter (Delta, BC, Canada)
Roberto Haab (Lugano, Italy)
Antonina and Ada Kulyk (Washington, DC, USA) (in memory of Irene Timoshenko)
J. B. Rudnyckyj Memorial Fund (Ottawa, ON, Canada)
Nicholas M. Switucha (Kanata, ON, Canada)
Ihor Tomkiw (Toronto, ON, Canada)
Ukrainian Cultural Centre in Bradford (Bradford, ON, Canada)
The Ukrainian National Federal Credit Union (New York, NY, USA)
Roman Wynnycky (Lasalle, QC, Canada)
Donations from $500 to $999
Myroslawa and Michael Diakun (Toronto, ON, Canada) (in memory of Mychajlo and Maria Fedak)
Myron and Olena Dylynsky (Toronto, ON, Canada)
George Horb (Chicago, IL, USA)
Myrna Kostash (Edmonton, AB, Canada) (in memory of Nancy Shemeluck-Radomsky)
Dr. Alexander Malycky (Calgary, AB, Canada)
Ksenia Maryniak (Edmonton, AB, Canada) (parts of the donation in memory of Taras Zakydalsky and Andrij Makuch)
The Estate of Vasyl Strilets (Canada)
Donations from $100 to $499
Joseph and Eunice Basaraba (Wolfville, NS, Canada)
Yaroslava Benko (Arlington Heights, IL, USA)
Askold and Halyna Boretsky (Washington, DC, USA)
Halyna Boretsky (McLean, VA, USA)
Daria Broadhead (Hamilton, ON, Canada)
Stephanie Burak (Toronto, ON, Canada)
Anna Burij (Toronto, ON, Canada) (in memory of Mychajlo Fedak and Maria Fedak)
Romana Chabursky (Toronto, ON, Canada) (in memory of Roman Plawuszczak)
Mykola and Adriana Ciomkalo (Toronto, ON, Canada)
Irene Cybulsky (Hamilton, ON, Canada)
Mark Decyk (Toronto, ON, Canada)
Charlotte Minard and Roman Diakun (Toronto, ON, Canada) (in memory of Maria Fedak)
Eustachiy and Zenon Derzko (Lorton, VA, USA)
Omelan Drohobycky (Toronto, ON, Canada) (in memory of Mychajlo Fedak and Maria Fedak)
Maria Fedak (Toronto, ON, Canada) (in memory of Mychajlo Fedak)
Steve Fedchyshak (St. Catherines, ON, Canada) (in memory of Maria Fedak)
Anna Ferenc (Waterloo, ON, Canada)
Alex and Toula Gontar (Toronto, ON, Canada)
Theodore Harasymchuk (Mississauga, ON, Canada)
Geoffrey and Marika Hare (Toronto, ON, Canada) (in memory of Mychajlo Fedak and Maria Fedak)
Walter and Claire Hlibchuk (Toronto, ON, Canada)
Irene Hordienko (Toronto, ON, Canada) (in memory of Vera Ke-Plawuszczak)
Oxana Horodecka (Washington, DC, USA)
Dr. Andrew Horpeniuk (Windsor, CA, USA)
Donna Ihnatowycz (Toronto, ON, Canada) (in memory of Maria Fedak)
Ian Ihnatowycz (Toronto, ON, Canada) (in memory of Mychajlo Fedak)
Jerry and Zena Jakibczuk (St. Catherines, ON, Canada)
Myra Junyk (Toronto, ON, Canada)
Borys Kaminskyj (Mississauga, ON, Canada) (in memory of Mychajlo Fedak and Maria Fedak)
Katherine Kohut (Toronto, ON, Canada) (in memory of Vera Ke-Plawuszczak)
Andrij and Irena Komorowsky (Toronto, ON, Canada)
Dr. and Mrs. M. L. Kondracki (Toronto, ON, Canada) (in memory of Mychajlo and Maria Fedak)
Maria Kowalsky (Toronto, ON, Canada) (in memory of Maria Fedak)
Vera Krawec (Edmonton, AB, Canada)
Luba Krekhovetsky (Toronto, ON, Canada)
Michael and Marie Krochak (Saskatoon, SK, Canada)
Oksana Kuzan (Langley, BC, Canada) (in memory of Mychajlo and Maria Fedak)
Valentina Limonczenko (Arlington, VA, USA)
Peter Lopaty (Toronto, ON, Canada)
Anna and Roman Mac (Bethlehem, PA, USA) (in memory of Mychajlo Fedak)
Maria Marecki (New Fairfield, CT, USA) (in memory of Mychajlo Fedak)
Dr. Nestor and Myrosia Maslo (Edmonton, AB, Canada)
Oksana McIntyre (Red Deer, AB, Canada)
Maria Nebesio (Toronto, ON, Canada)
North Winnipeg Credit Union Limited (Winnipeg, MB, Canada)
Nykola and Mary Parzei (Toronto, ON, Canada) (in memory of Mychajlo Fedak)
Halyna Perun-Chepesiuk (Toronto, ON, Canada) (in memory of Mychajlo Fedak)
Angie and Robert Pidzamecky (St. Catherines, ON, Canada) (in memory of Vera Ke-Plawuszczak)
Maria Prociw (Toronto, ON, Canada) (in memory of Maria Fedak)
Rochester Ukrainian Federal Credit Union (Rochester, NY, USA)
Daniel Rudko (St. Albert, AB, Canada)
Nancy Shemeluck-Radomsky (Edmonton, AB, Canada)
Dr. Walter Salmaniw (Victoria, BC, Canada)
Vera Sendzik (Hamilton Square, NJ, USA)
Christina Shepelavey (Columbia, MD, USA)
Vera Shevchuk (Toronto, ON, Canada)
Nestor Shust (Fairlawn, OH, USA)
Oleh and Tania Sklepkovych (Rutherford, NJ, USA)
SO-USE Credit Union (Toronto, ON, Canada)
Tania and Marko R. Stech (Etobicoke, ON, Canada) (in memory of Vera Ke-Plawuszczak)
Frank Sysyn (Toronto, ON, Canada) (in memory of Vera Ke-Plawuszczak)
Mary Szkambara (Toronto, ON, Canada) (in memory of Mychajlo Fedak and Maria Fedak)
Irene Timoshenko (Toronto, ON, Canada)
Marta Witer (Toronto, ON, Canada) (in memory of Maria Fedak)
Roman and Irene Zakaluzny (Calgary, AB, Canada)
Andrew and Irene Zurawsky (Winnipeg, MB, Canada)
Donations under $100
John and Kathryn Babak (Dearborn, MI, USA)
Eva Bazylevych (Toronto, ON, Canada) (in memory of Mychajlo Fedak)
R. Bazylewych (Toronto, ON, Canada) (in memory of Mychajlo Fedak)
David and Anna Biscoe (Edmonton, AB, Canada)
Gordon and Eileen Boniface (Toronto, ON, Canada) (in memory of Mychajlo Fedak)
Bohdanna Dackiw (Toronto, ON, Canada)
Ernest Epp (Thunder Bay, ON, Canada)
Olha Fedak (Chicago, IL, USA) (in memory of Mychajlo Fedak)
Daria Goshulak (Toronto, ON, Canada) (in memory of Maria Fedak)
Mary Gregorish (Thornhill, ON, Canada) (in memory of Maria Fedak)
Vera M. Hnatiuk (Hamtramck, MI, USA) (in memory of Mychajlo Fedak)
Richard and Elaine Huyda (Ottawa, ON, Canada)
Marion Myroslava Huziak (Toronto, ON, Canada) (in memory of Vera Ke-Plawuszczak)
Bohdan and Johanna Jaciw (Toronto, ON, Canada) (in memory of Mychajlo Fedak and Maria Fedak)
Jaroslaw Kelebay (Toronto, ON, Canada) (in memory of Mychajlo Fedak)
Luba Kelebay (Toronto, ON, Canada) (in memory of Mychajlo Fedak)
W. and J. Kobluk (Edmonton, AB, Canada)
Teodor Kolos (Toronto, ON, Canada) (in memory of Mychajlo Fedak)
Mykola Kulyk (Toronto, ON, Canada) (in memory of Maria Fedak)
Jurij and Irene Kurys (Toronto, ON, Canada) (in memory of Mychajlo Fedak)
Lucenko Consulting Assoc. LLC (Bonita Springs, FL, USA)
George and Orysia Lysyk (Oshawa, ON, Canada)
Stefan and Halyna Maksymjuk (Silver Springs, MD, USA)
Ksenia Maryniak (Edmonton, AB, Canada)
Daniel Matys (Mississauga, ON, Canada) (in memory of Maria Fedak)
Mayfield Secondary School (Brampton, ON, Canada)
John and Margaret McKennell (Toronto, ON, Canada) (in memory of Mychajlo Fedak)
Natalie Obal (Etobicoke, ON, Canada) (in memory of Vera Ke-Plawuszczak)
Marta Olynyk (Montreal, QUE, Canada)
Myron and Cathie Parzei (Mississauga, ON, Canada) (in memory of Maria Fedak)
Neonila Pashkovsky (Toronto, ON, Canada) (in memory of Mychajlo Fedak)
Uliana and Kreso Perovic (Toronto, ON, Canada) (in memory of Mychajlo Fedak)
Anna and Joseph Perun (Toronto, ON, Canada) (in memory of Mychajlo Fedak)
Lorraine A. Samborsky (Saskatoon, SK, Canada)
Maria and Jean Marc Sauve Natziuk (Ottawa, ON, Canada)
Walter and Yaroslava Sheremeta (Toronto, ON, Canada)
Dmytro and Oksana Sich (Alfred Station, NY, USA)
Bohdan and Anna Slabak (Toronto, ON, Canada)
Sonia Solomon (Toronto, ON, Canada) (in memory of Maria Fedak)
Olga Solovey (Dearborn Heights, MI, USA)
Marusia Soroka (Mississauga, ON, Canada) (in memory of Mychajlo Fedak and Maria Fedak)
Zenia Stechishin (Toronto, ON, Canada) (in memory of Vera Ke-Plawuszczak)
M. Stefaniw (Toronto, ON, Canada) (in memory of Mychajlo Fedak)
Anhelyna Szuch (Toronto, ON, Canada)
Volodymyr Timoshenko (Oakville, ON, Canada)
Daniel Tkach (Englewood, CO, USA)
Halyna Troian (Oakville, ON, Canada) (in memory of Vera Ke-Plawuszczak)
Victoria Tupis (Bramalea, ON, Canada) (in memory of Mychajlo Fedak)
Ukrainian Canadian School Board, Toronto Branch (in memory of Mychajlo Fedak)
Roman Ulans (Doylestown, PA, USA)
Eugene and Marta Waschuk (Toronto, ON, Canada)
John and Kathryn Wiebe (Bonnyville, AB, Canada)
Karen Yarmol Franko (Toronto, ON, Canada) (in memory of Maria Fedak)
Tatiana Yasinsky (Silver Springs, MD, USA)
The Internet Encyclopedia of Ukraine staff sincerely thank the following individuals for offering their time and expertise to the development of our Web site:
Mr. Jaroslaw Kiebalo (Toronto, Canada)
Mr. Volodymyr Kiebalo (Toronto, Canada)
Mr. Bohdan Skrobach (Toronto, Canada)

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