Zinchenko, Petro

Zinchenko, Petro [Зінченко, Петро; Zinčenko], b 14 July 1903 in Nikolaevskaia Sloboda, Astrakhan gubernia (now Nikolaevsk, Volgograd oblast, Russian Federation), d 17 February 1969 in Kharkiv. Psychologist. He graduated from the Kharkiv Institute of People's Education (1930), taught in postsecondary schools, and worked at research institutions in Kharkiv and Kyiv, including the Scientific Research Institute of Psychology in Kyiv. From 1960 he headed the department of psychology at Kharkiv University. A leading authority on the psychology of memory, he wrote Neproizvolnoe zapominanie (Involuntary Memorization, 1961, based on his 1958 doctoral dissertation at Moscow University) and coauthored a book on memory development (1965).

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 5 (1993).]

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