Zapasko, Yakym

Zapasko, Yakym [Запаско, Яким], b 28 August 1923 in Rozsishky, Uman county, Kyiv gubernia, d 1 October 2007 in Lviv. Art historian. He graduated from the Ukrainian Printing Institute in Lviv in 1950 and received his candidate’s degree in 1958. Zapasko taught at the Lviv Institute of Applied and Decorative Art from 1959 and later headed its Department of Art History. He wrote monographs on the ornamentation of Ukrainian manuscript books (see Paleography) (1960), the first Ukrainian printer, Ivan Fedorovych (Fedorov) (1964), book art and illustrations in 16th- to 18th-century Ukraine (1971), the Ukrainian folk kilim weaving (1973), the artistic heritage of Fedorovych (Fedorov) (1974), and old printed books published in Lviv (1983, with O. Matsiuk), and many articles on the history of Ukrainian book art and Ukrainian decorative and applied arts. Zapasko and Yaroslav Isaievych compiled a valuable catalog of old printed books published in Ukraine in 1574–1800 (3 vols, 1981, 1984).

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 5 (1993).]

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