Zalyvchy, Andrii

Zalyvchy, Andrii [Заливчий, Андрій; Zalyvčyj, Andrij], b 26 October 1892 in Mlyny, Hadiach county, Poltava gubernia, d 13 December 1918 in Chernihiv. Political activist. For his membership in the Kharkiv cell of the party of Socialist Revolutionaries he was arrested in 1915 and exiled to Turgansk, Siberia. In early 1917 he returned to Ukraine, where he served as a member of the Central Rada, representing the Ukrainian Party of Socialist Revolutionaries (UPSR). He was one of the founders of the left faction of the UPSR, which later founded the Borotbist party (Borotbists). His collection of autobiographical stories, Z lit dytynstva (From Childhood Years, 1919), was published posthumously.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 5 (1993).]

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