Volodymyrsky, Adriian

Volodymyrsky, Adriian [Володимирський, Адріян; Volodymyrs'kyj, Adrijan], b 16 April 1875 in Lypovets, Kyiv gubernia, d 18 January 1936 in Rostov-na-Donu, RSFSR. Specialist in congenital diseases. A graduate of Kyiv University (1900), he conducted research on the development and education of children with physical and psychological handicaps. In 1917 he lectured at the Pedagogical Academy in Kyiv, and in the 1920s he served as a professor at the Kyiv Medical Institute and the Kyiv Institute of People's Education. His publications dealt with reflexology and educational hygiene.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 5 (1993).]

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