Vechernytsi (Lviv)

Vechernytsi (Lviv) («Вечерниці»; Evening Get-togethers). A Ukrainophile literary weekly ‘for amusement and learning.’ It was edited and published in the vernacular by Fedir Zarevych in Lviv from 1 February 1862 to 2 May 1863 (59 eight-page issues). With the 35th issue Volodymyr Shashkevych became the main collaborator, and he edited the last nine issues. Published therein were poems, stories, literary and publicistic articles, historical articles, editorials, notes, and correspondence, and dictionary materials by V. Shashkevych, Ivan Verkhratsky, and others. Works by writers from Russian-ruled Ukraine were taken (and translated, if necessary) from Osnova (Saint Petersburg) and other sources. The magazine had 600 subscribers.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 5 (1993).]

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