Union of Ukrainian Student Organizations in Germany and Danzig

Union of Ukrainian Student Organizations in Germany and Danzig (Союз українських студентських організацій в Німеччині та в місті Данціґу; Soiuz ukrainskykh studentskykh orhanizatsii u Nimechchyni ta v misti Dantsigu, or СУСОНД; SUSOND). A student umbrella organization founded in Berlin in August 1924. It united six student organizations in Berlin, Danzig (now Gdańsk), and Königsberg, of which the largest was the Osnova Union of Ukrainian Students in Danzig. In its cultural activities SUSOND collaborated with similar German, Lithuanian, Bulgarian, Turkish, and Estonian student organizations. In the 1930s its membership decreased. In 1938 it accepted student associations in Austria (the Sich student society of Vienna and the Sich student society in Graz), and in 1939 the Ukrainian Academic Hromada in Prague. In 1941 the union was reconstituted as the Nationalist Organization of Ukrainian Students in Germany. Presidents of SUSOND included M. Milko, M. Kachmar, and A. Kishka.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 3 (1993).]

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