Ukrainska Presa

Ukrainska Presa [Українська Преса; Ukrainian Press]. A major publishing house in interwar Lviv, owned and operated by Ivan Tyktor from 1923 to the outbreak of the Second World War. It employed over 100 writers, editors, administrators, and printers, including some of the most prominent writers, journalists, and artists in Galicia. The press’s publications did much to raise the educational level and national consciousness of Galicia’s Ukrainian population. Foremost among them were the daily newspaper Novyi chas, the weekly Narodnia sprava (Lviv) for the rural population, the children's monthly Dzvinochok, the newspaper Nash prapor, the satirical weekly Komar (1933–9), and the semiweekly Nash lemko. Their combined pressrun was 92,600 in 1937 and 106,500 in 1938. Ukrainska Presa also published several annual almanacs, including Zolotyi kolos for the rural population from 1929 (approximately 85,000 copies), Kalendar dlia vsikh from 1931 (renamed Al’manakh Novoho chasu in 1937), and the humorous Komar from 1935; and series of short books and pamphlets, which were sent free of charge to its periodicals’ regular subscribers: Ukrainska biblioteka (Ukrainian Library), Novyi chas (New Times; 30 titles to 1933), Narodnia sprava (National Cause; 18 titles to 1936), Ridne slovo (Native Word), Ranok (Morning), Amatorskyi teatr (Amateur Theater), Muzychna biblioteka (Musical Library), Biblioteka tserkovno-relihiinykh knyh (Library of Church and Religious Books), and Istorychna biblioteka (Historical Library), which included Velyka istoriia Ukraïny (The Great History of Ukraine), Istoriia ukraïns'koï kul'tury (The History of Ukrainian Culture), and Istoriia ukraïns'koho viis'ka (The History of the Ukrainian Army). Altogether, it published 400 titles.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 5 (1993).]

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