Ukrainian National Alliance in France
Ukrainian National Alliance in France (Українська національна єдність у Франції; Ukrainska natsionalna iednist u Frantsii). A civic and cultural organization founded in Paris in 1949 by supporters of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (Melnykites faction) as the successor to the interwar Ukrainian National Union in France. The alliance belonged to the world federation of Ideologically Allied Nationalist Organizations and works with the Ukrainian Central Civic Committee in France. The central executive in Paris co-ordinates the work of 12 branches (in the 1950s there were 22) in the major centers of Ukrainian settlement in France. It organizes annual courses in Ukrainian studies for young people (courses are also offered at the local level by the branches) and, together with the newspaper Ukraïns’ke slovo (Paris), publishes pamphlets and almanacs. The alliance also initiated the creation of the Organization of Ukrainian Youth in France. Its presidents have been Yaroslav Musianovych (1949–61), V. Lazovinsky (1961–7), V. Malynovych (1968–70), L. Huzar (1970–1), Yu. Kovalenko (1972–6), V. Mykhalchuk (1976–8, 1984–6), Arkadii Zhukovsky (1978–82), O. Korchak (1982–4), and V. Genyk (after 1986). V. Mulyk served as the alliance’s longtime secretary.
[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 5 (1993).]