Ukrainian Invalids’ Aid Society

Image - Ukrainian Invalids Aid Society: executive board.

Ukrainian Invalids’ Aid Society (Українське товариство допомоги інвалідам у Львові; Ukrainske tovarystvo dopomohy invalidam u Lvovi). An association set up in Lviv in 1922 to help invalid veterans of the Ukrainian Galician Army and the Army of the Ukrainian National Republic. It assumed some of the tasks that until then had been performed by the social welfare section of the Ukrainian Citizens' Committee. In 1937 it had 2,016 registered clients, 434 of whom received regular monthly assistance. Others received less frequent aid. The society owned a large building in Lviv and ran a workshop employing invalids. For many years its president was I. Gyzha. The society was disbanded under Soviet rule.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 5 (1993).]

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