Ukrainian Black Sea Institute

Ukrainian Black Sea Institute (Український чорноморський інститут; Ukrainskyi chornomorskyi instytut). An émigré institution established on the initiative of Yurii Lypa in Warsaw in 1940 to study and disseminate knowledge about the Black Sea and the Black Sea region. The institute was directed by Ivan Shovheniv (1940–3) and Lypa (1943–4), and by Mykhailo Miller in Germany (1946–9). Its permanent secretary and chief organizer was Lev Bykovsky. After 1945 the institute functioned (with interruptions) in the Hersfeld and Mainz-Kastel displaced persons camps in Germany. It was renamed the Ukrainian Marine Institute in 1946, its secretariat moved to New York in 1948, and it was dissolved in 1949. The institute published a total of 11 volumes of its serial Chornomors'kyi zbirnyk, 27 offprint brochures, and 29 other publications (mostly brochures). Bykovsky’s detailed article about the institute and its publications appeared in the Ukrainian Technical and Husbandry Institute’s Naukovi zapysky, vol 22 (1970).

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 5 (1993).]

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