Ukraïns’kyi holos (1918–19)

Ukraïns’kyi holos (1918–19) («Український голос»; Ukrainian Voice). An official daily newspaper of the State Secretariat of the Western Ukrainian National Republic, published in November 1918 in Lviv and then, after the occupation of Lviv by Polish forces, to May 1919 in Ternopil. The editors were Lonhyn Tsehelsky (May 1918), Petro Karmansky (November 1918 to February 1919), and Mykola Malytsky (February–May 1919). Katria Hrynevycheva and Stepan Charnetsky were staff writers. The paper was succeeded by Ukraïns’ki visty (May–July 1919; 36 issues), edited by Malytsky, I. Halushchynsky, S. Sydorak, I. Brykovych, and F. Bulat.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 5 (1993).]

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