
Uchytel’ [«Учитель»; Teacher]. A leading pedagogical journal published semimonthly and then monthly in Lviv in 1889–1914 by the Ruthenian Pedagogical Society (see Ridna Shkola society). It contained sample lessons and curricula for Ukrainian schools, articles on teaching methodology and the history of education, book reviews, and belles lettres. The journal did much to popularize pedagogical techniques developed in Western Europe and North America among Ukrainian teachers and educational theorists. It also devoted considerable attention to the development of education in Western Ukraine and Russian-ruled Ukraine. In its last years it concentrated on primary education. Uchytel’ was edited by Ivan Chapelsky, Teofil Hrushkevych (1890–2), Volodymyr Shukhevych (1893–1905), Ivan Kopach, Vasyl Shchurat, Oleksander Sushko, and Ivan Yushchyshyn (1911–14).

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 5 (1993).]

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