Tsymbalisty, Bohdan

Tsymbalisty, Bohdan [Цимбалістий, Богдан; Cymbalistyj], b 5 August 1919 in Bovshiv, Rohatyn county, Galicia, d 16 August 1991 in Port Jarvis, New York State, USA. Psychologist, community figure, and publicist; member of the American Psychological Association and the Ukrainian Academy of Arts and Sciences. He studied at Lviv University, Berlin University, Göttingen University (PH D, 1948), and Leuven University. In 1951–9 he was an associate of the Centro de Estudios Orientales in Madrid (1951–9), editor of its journal Oriente Europeo, and director of the Ukrainian program on the Spanish national radio. In 1959 he emigrated to the United States of America. He was director of the psychology clinic at the New Jersey Training School for Boys. In 1978 he became chairman of the board of the Ukrainian Museum in New York. He published such essays as Problema identychnosty (The Problem of Identity, 1974), Tavro bezderzhavnosty (The Stigma of Statelessness, 1982), and Growing Up in Two Cultures (1987).

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 5 (1993).]

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