
Tryzub [«Тризуб»; Trident]. A weekly journal of politics, civic affairs, history, and culture, published in Paris from 15 October 1925 to 1940 (705 issues); the unofficial organ of the Government-in-exile of the Ukrainian National Republic. Founded on the initiative of Symon Petliura, it was edited by Viacheslav Prokopovych and, in 1940, by Oleksander Shulhyn. In 1926–7 it issued 10 extra editions covering the trial of S. Schwartzbard, Petliura’s assassin (see Schwartzbard Trial). In 1938–9 it published regular supplements for women (ed Zinaida Mirna), young people (ed Borys Olkhivsky), the Plast Ukrainian Youth Association (ed S. Nechai), and children (ed Stepan Siropolko). Tryzub devoted considerable attention to political and cultural developments in Soviet Ukraine (it remains an important source of information for that period) and reported on efforts by Ukrainian émigrés to promote the Ukrainian question in the West. It published regular accounts of activities in the centers of Ukrainian émigré life (Paris, Prague, Warsaw, Vienna) and several memoirs of the period of Ukrainian struggle for independence (1917–20).

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 5 (1993).]

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