Tretiakov, Robert
Tretiakov, Robert [Третьяков, Роберт; Tret'iakov], b 26 February 1936 in Perm, RSFSR, d 10 November 1996 in Kharkiv. Ukrainian poet of Russian origin. He graduated with a degree in journalism from Kyiv University in 1985 and worked on the editorial boards of various newspapers in Kharkiv and the journal Prapor (Kharkiv). His first published work appeared in 1955. His collections of verse include Zorianist' (Starriness, 1961), Palitra (Palette, 1965), Portrety (Portraits, 1967), Poeziï (Poems, 1971), Osinnie skresalo (Autumnal Thaw, 1980), and Poeziï (Poems, 1986).
[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 5 (1993).]
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