Tavriia State Agrotechnological University
Tavriia State Agrotechnological University [Таврійський державний агротехнологічний університет; Tavriiskyi derzhavnyi ahrotekhnolohichnyi universytet]. A technical school of higher education in Melitopol, formed in 1930 on the basis of an agricultural tekhnikum. Originally known as Zavod-VUZ, it was renamed the Institute of Engineers-Mechanics of Agriculture in 1936. In 1944 it assumed the name Melitopol Institute of Agricultural Mechanization and until 1992 was under the jurisdiction of the Ukrainian SSR Ministry of Agriculture. In 1994 it was reorganized into the Tavriia State Agrotechnical Academy, and it assumed its present name in 2007. It has six faculties: energy; mechanics and technology; mechanization of agriculture and ecology; economy; accounting and finances; and engineering and computer science.
[This article was updated in 2016.]