Taras Shevchenko National Museum

Image - Taras Shevchenko's drawing In the stocks (1856-57). Image - Taras Shevchenko: Self-portrait (1861).

Taras Shevchenko National Museum [Національний музей Тараса Шевченка; Nationalnyi muzei Tarasa Shevchenka]. A museum in Kyiv dedicated to Taras Shevchenko administered by Ukraine’s Ministry of Culture. Opened on 24 April 1949, it consists of the holdings of the former Central Shevchenko Museum (est 1941) and the Shevchenko collections at the Kharkiv Art Gallery and other museums. Over 4,000 objects are on display in the museum's 24 rooms. Over 800 items are linked directly with Shevchenko's life: his artworks, manuscripts, first editions, photographs, and personal belongings. A third of the 36,000 volumes in the museum library deal with Shevchenko. The museum's associates conduct bibliographic, literary, and art research on Shevchenko and organize conferences and commemorative events.

Derzhavnyi muzei T. H. Shevchenka. Al’bom (Kyiv, 1989)

[This article was updated in 2010.]

Image - One of the exhibition rooms in the Taras Shevchenko National Museum. Image - Taras Shevchenko: Portrait of Vasyl Kochubei (1859) Image - Taras Shevchenko: Narcissus and Echo (1856). Image - Taras Shevchenko: The Baigush (1853); sepia on paper. Image - Taras Shevchenko: Running the Gauntlet (1857) Image - Taras Shevchenko: Self-portrait (1840). Image - Taras Shevchenko's death mask exhibited at the Taras Shevchenko National Museum. Image - One of the exhibit halls in the Taras Shevchenko National Museum. Image - Part of the exhibit at the Taras Shevchenko National Museum.

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