Supreme Emigration Council

Supreme Emigration Council (Головна еміґраційна рада; Holovna emigratsiina rada, or Українська головна еміґраційна рада; Ukrainska holovna emigratsiina rada). A federation of Ukrainian émigré organizations in Europe, established in Prague in 1929 for the purpose of representing Ukrainian interests at international forums (particularly the League of Nations) and for co-ordinating the political activities of émigré circles. Its membership consisted of 11 organizations: the Ukrainian hromadas in Belgium, Bulgaria, Luxembourg, Turkey, and Yugoslavia; the Ukrainian Central Committee in Poland; the Public Relief Committee of Ukrainian Emigrants in Romania; the Ukrainian Alliance in Czechoslovakia and the Ukrainian Republican-Democratic Club in Czechoslovakia; and the Union of Ukrainian Emigré Organizations in France and the Society of Former Combatants of the Ukrainian Republican Democratic Army in France. The council’s head office was in Paris. Its presidents were Oleksander Lototsky (1929) and Oleksander Shulhyn. Other prominent figures included Maksym Slavinsky, Gen Oleksander Udovychenko, Ilarion Kosenko, and Mykola O. Kovalsky. The council was influenced strongly by the Government-in-exile of the Ukrainian National Republic.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 5 (1993).]

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