Sukhodolsky, Oleksii

Sukhodolsky, Oleksii [Суходольський, Олексій; Suxodol's'kyj, Oleksij], b 28 March 1863 in Kyiv, d 15 April 1936 in Moscow. Stage actor, director, and playwright. He began his theatrical career as a makeup man in the Bergonier Theater (1879; now the Lesia Ukrainka National Academic Theater) and then acted in the Ukrainian troupes of O. Vasylenko, Marko Kropyvnytsky, and Heorhii Derkach (1891–4); led a Ukrainian troupe with Onysym Suslov (1894–8) and his own troupe (1898–1918; in 1911 it performed in Sofia, Bulgaria); and directed in a Ukrainian troupe in Yugoslavia and at the Belgrade Opera Theater (1920–8). He returned to Soviet Ukraine in 1929, where he directed in the Hart Ukrainian touring theater (1930–2), and he acted in the Moscow Ukrainian Theater of the RSFSR (1932–3). He wrote the plays Khmara (A Cloud) and Pomsta, abo Zahublena dolia (The Revenge, or Lost Fate).

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 5 (1993).]

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