Stupnytsky, Ivan S.
Stupnytsky, Ivan S. [Ступницький, Іван; Stupnyc'kyj], b 7 July 1928 in Balabanivka, Uman okruha. Economist. A graduate of Kyiv University (PH D, 1965), he has taught there as a docent (from 1956), dean of the economics faculty (since 1967), and chairman of the political economy department (from 1971). His publications, which focus on the political economy of socialism and the technological base of communism, include the monographs Produktyvnist' pratsi ta shliakhy ïï zrostannia u promyslovosti (Labor Productivity and Ways to Its Growth in Industry, 1958) and Rozvytok material'noho vyrobnytstva u protsesi rozshyrenoho sotsialistychnoho vidtvorennia (The Development of Material Production in the Process of the Expanded Socialist Re-Creation, 1965).
[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 5 (1993).]
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