
Storozhenko [Storoženko]. A Cossack starshyna family, known from the early 17th century. Andrii Storozhenko was ‘senior colonel of the Zaporozhian Army’ in 1610. His descendant (possibly a grandson) Ivan Storozhenko (d 15 February 1693) was captain of Ichnia company (1670–87) and colonel of Pryluky regiment (1687–92); he was the first of a Storozhenko ‘dynasty’ of captains in the Cossack company system. Among the Storozhenko captains of Ichnia company were Andrii Storozhenko (captain from 1700, d 1715); Andrii's son, Hryhorii Storozhenko (captain 1715–41, d 1745), who was often sent on diplomatic missions to Moscow (1722, 1727, 1729) and served on the commission that prepared the Code of Laws of 1743 (1735–7); and Andrii's grandson, Andrii Storozhenko (d 1753). Among the Storozhenko captains of Yabluniv company were Stepan Storozhenko (d 20 January 1758) and his son, Ivan Storozhenko. Among the Storozhenko captains of Ivanytsia company were Ivan Storozhenko (captain 1719–28, d 1733) and Hryhorii Storozhenko (captain 1770–81, d 16 June 1810 in Irzhavets, near Ichnia).

In the 19th century the Storozhenko family line included many civic and cultural leaders, notably the writer Oleksa Storozhenko; the historian Andrii Ya. Storozhenko (b 1791, d 1858) and his grandsons, the historians Andrii V. Storozhenko (b 1857, d ?) and Mykola V. Storozhenko (b 1862, d 1942); and the literary historian Mykola I. Storozhenko (b 1836, d 1906). The Storozhenko family archive, partially published as Storozhenki: Famil’nyi arkhiv (The Storozhenkos: A Family Archive, 8 vols, 1902–10), is preserved in the Central State Historical Archive in Kyiv.

Arkadii Zhukovsky

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 5 (1993).]

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