Sotsiolohiia: Teoriia, Metody, Marketynh / Sociology: Theory, Methods, Marketing

Sotsiolohiia: Teoriia, Metody, Marketynh / Sociology: Theory, Methods, Marketing («Соціологія: Теорія, методи, маркетинг / Sociology: Theory, Methods, Marketing; СТММ; STMM). A peer-reviewed, open-access sociological journal published in Kyiv by the Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. It was founded in 1997 and its first issue was published in 1998. At the time of its founding, it was the first professional sociological journal in post-Soviet Ukraine. The journal is published quarterly in Ukrainian, English and Russian. Valerii Vorona and Viktor Stepanenko are two editors-in-chief. The editorial board also includes some well-known foreign sociologists, including Jeffrey Alexander of Yale University and Michel Wieviorka of École des hautes études en sciences sociales in Paris. STMM publishes research papers, discussion essays, notes on research events, and book reviews.

Volodymyr Shelukhin

[This article was written in 2022.]

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