Society of Veterans of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army in Canada

Society of Veterans of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army in Canada (Товариство колишніх вояків УПА в Канаді; Tovarystvo kolyshnikh voiakiv UPA v Kanadi). A veterans’ association established in Toronto in 1951 by former members of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA). With a membership based largely in Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, and Edmonton, the society has consistently supported the Ukrainian independence movement. It has published or cosponsored a number of brochures and books (including its own commemorative issue in 1982) and has prepared an irregular section for the newspaper Homin Ukraïny under the title ‘Voiats'ka vatra’ (The Soldier’s Campfire) since 1957. It maintains cordial relations with other Ukrainian veterans’ associations. Its presidents have included S. Kotelets, M. Koshyk, Ivan Kozak, V. Kozak, and M. Kulyk.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 4 (1993).]

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