Skhidnii svit

Skhidnii svit («Східній світ»; Oriental World). A scholarly journal of the All-Ukrainian Learned Association of Oriental Studies (VUNAS), published bimonthly in Kharkiv in 1927–31 (a total of 17 issues). It succeeded Biuleten' VUNAS (5 issues, 1926). After the first issue the articles appeared in Ukrainian with Russian, English, French, and German résumés. The journal published articles on the history, archeology, culture, economy, literature, and contemporary politics of the Near East, Middle East, and Far East; Soviet Central Asia; the Crimea; and Caucasia. Many articles focused specifically on Ukraine’s relations with these areas. Attention was also devoted to contemporary political and economic developments. The journal also contained book reviews and notices and reports on VUNAS activities and Oriental studies in Ukraine and abroad. Among its 180 contributors were prominent scholars, such as Ahatanhel Krymsky, Vasyl Dubrovsky, Andrii Kovalivsky, Vladyslav Buzeskul, Pavlo Ritter, Mykola Horban, Oleksander Hrushevsky, Volodymyr Parkhomenko, and Yan Riappo. In 1929 Skhidnii svit had a pressrun of 600. In late 1930 it was renamed Chervonyi skhid; under its new name it ceased publication after its third issue. An index to it was published in Kharkiv in 1964.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 4 (1993).]

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