Sil’s’kyi hospodar

Sil’s’kyi hospodar («Сільський Господар»; Farmer). A popular farming journal published by the Silskyi Hospodar society semimonthly in Lviv (1926–39, 1942–4) and monthly in Jarosław (1940–1). The editors were Yevhen Khraplyvy (1928–34, 1938–42), V. Sozansky (1925–9), P. Dubrivny, Mykhailo Borovsky (1932–6), Petro Zeleny, Leonyd Bachynsky (1940–1), and I. Drabaty. Sil’sk’kyi hospodar appeared in a pressrun of 5,000 to 10,000 in the interwar period and up to 50,000 during the Second World War. The monthly supplement Ukraïns’kyi pasichnyk was published in 1928–39 and 1941–4.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 4 (1993).]

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