S’vit, monthly

S’vit, monthly (World). A socialist literary, political, and scholarly monthly published in Lviv from January 1881 to September 1882. It was envisaged as a pan-Ukrainian progressive forum. Ivan Belei figured as its publisher and editor, but its de facto editor and main contributor was Ivan Franko. In it Franko serialized his novel Boryslav smiietsia (Boryslav Is Laughing) and published several poems, a story, and many political, literary, and ethnographic articles. The magazine's polemical and satirical articles criticized the Galician populists and denounced the Russophiles. Because of its then unpopular radical politics and use of the phonetic orthography, S’vit attracted only about 150 subscribers. Issues 4 and 13 were held up by the Austrian authorities, and the magazine folded after 21 issues. P. Babiak's index to S’vit was published in Lviv in 1970.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 5 (1993).]

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