Seven-year school

Seven-year school (семирічна школа; semyrichna shkola). In Soviet Ukraine, a seven-grade incomplete secondary school, established in 1920 and in existence until 1958 (see Unified labor school). In 1925–8 some of the seven-year schools in urban areas were transformed into factory seven-year schools, and some rural seven-year schools were turned into schools for collective-farm youth (see Schools for peasant youth). In 1934 a unified general-education school system was introduced. Seven-year schools were reorganized into incomplete secondary schools of seven grades. Graduates of seven-year schools could continue to complete their secondary education or gain admission to institutions offering secondary special education. In 1958 the seven-year school was transformed into the eight-year school.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 4 (1993).]

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