Sahaidachny, Petro

Sahaidachny, Petro [Сагайдачний, Петро; Sahajdačnyj], b 1898 in Berezhany county, Galicia, d 12 January 1975 in New York, New York State, USA. Journalist. A veteran officer of the Ukrainian Sich Riflemen, in the 1930s he coedited the paper Novyi chas and several other publications of the Ukrainska Presa publishing house in Lviv. During the Second World War he worked as an editor with Krakivs’ki visti in Cracow (1939–41) and managing editor of the daily Nova Ukraïna in German-occupied Kharkiv (late 1941 to early 1942). As a postwar refugee and displaced person he worked for the Novi Dni publishing house and edited the daily Ostanni novyny in Salzburg. After emigrating to the United States of America and settling in New York he briefly edited the journal Novyi svit and worked for the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 4 (1993).]

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