Rybchyn, Ivan

Rybchyn, Ivan [Рибчин, Іван; Rybčyn], b 5 September 1892 in Bratyshiv, Tovmach county, Galicia, d 17 January 1970 in Sydney, Australia. Pedagogue and sociologist; full member of the Shevchenko Scientific Society from 1962. He was a longtime gymnasium teacher in Stanyslaviv and head of the Teachers' Hromada branch there. After the Second World War he was docent of sociology and East Slavic history at the University of Graz, Austria. He emigrated to Australia in 1950. He was head of the Shevchenko Scientific Society in Australia from 1961. He wrote Heopsykhichni reaktsiï i vdacha ukraïntsia (Geopsychic Reactions and the Character of the Ukrainian, 1966) and many articles on social psychology and social philosophy.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 4 (1993).]

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