Rusalka, weekly

Rusalka, weekly [«Русалка»] (Water Nymph). A literary and scholarly populist student weekly in Lviv, edited by Volodymyr Shashkevych; 12 issues appeared from 1 January to 2 April 1866. It published Oleksander Konysky's critical survey of Ukrainian drama begun in the monthly Meta; articles on natural science and linguistics by Ivan Verkhratsky and Omelian Partytsky; works by Shashkevych, Konysky (his first poems), Sydir Vorobkevych, Fedir Zarevych, Ksenofont Klymkovych, Orest Levytsky, and other writers and scholars; folk songs; literary criticism; and literary translations.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 4 (1993).]

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