Rozbudova derzhavy

Image - Rozbudova derzhavy, 1994, No. 12.

Rozbudova derzhavy («Розбудова держави»; State Building). An organ of the Zarevo Ukrainian Student Association, published quarterly in Munich (1949–50), Montreal (1951–4), Cleveland (1954), and Denver (1955–7). Edited by Marko Antonovych (1949–54) and Bohdan Wynar (from 1954), it was ideologically aligned with the OUN (Melnyk faction) and devoted considerable attention to political affairs. It also published articles in Ukrainian and Soviet studies. A total of 22 issues appeared. The publication of Rozbudova derzhavy was revived in Ukraine in 1994 by the Olzhych Foundation. Since 2000 it has been published in Kyiv by the Olena Teliha Publishers. The journal’s editors in chief in Ukraine have included Viktor Teren, Myroslav Verbovy, Oleksandr Shmorhun, Anatolii Svidzinsky, and (since 2010) Serhii Kot.

[This article was updated in 2019.]

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