Ridna sprava – Dums’ki visti

Ridna sprava – Dums’ki visti («Рідна справа – Думські вісті»; [Our] Native Cause – Duma News). A semiweekly organ of the Ukrainian caucus in the Russian State Duma, published from April to June 1907 (a total of 12 issues) in Saint Petersburg. It was officially edited by M. Khotovytsky and then S. Nechytailo, but the de facto editor was Vasyl Domanytsky. Ridna sprava published reports on debates in the State Duma, commented on political developments, and supported the idea of Ukrainian autonomy. Unlike Ukrainskii vestnik (Saint Petersburg), the journal of the Ukrainian caucus in the first Duma, Ridna sprava was published in Ukrainian, probably in an attempt to reach a broader Ukrainian peasant audience.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 4 (1993).]

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