Pylypenko, Serhii

Image - Serhii Pylypenko at the front during the First World War Image - Serhii Pylypenko with his wife Tatiana (Kardinalowska) (Kharkiv, 1933) Image - Serhii Pylypenko

Pylypenko, Serhii, b 22 July 1891 in Kyiv, d 3 March 1934. Writer and journalist. He was active in the Ukrainian Party of Socialist Revolutionaries in 1917–18 and then joined the Ukrainian Communist party. In the early 1920s he edited a number of newspapers, among them Selians’ka pravda. He published several collections of stories: Baikivnytsia (The Storyteller, 1922), Baiky (Stories, 1927), Svyni na dubi (Pigs on the Oak, 1932), and others. His writing is secondary to his role in literary and scholarly organizations, however. He founded Pluh and edited its publications. He took an active role in the Literary Discussion of 1925–8, in which he came out against Mykola Khvylovy. In addition he was director of the Taras Shevchenko Scientific Research Institute in Kharkiv (1926–33) and sat on the board of directors of the Knyhospilka publishing house and the State Publishing House of Ukraine. In 1933 he was arrested, accused of belonging to a counterrevolutionary Ukrainian organization, and sentenced by a NKVD tribunal to be shot. In 1957 a military tribunal found no ground for his arrest, and he was posthumously rehabilitated.

Kardinalowska, T. The Ever-Present Past (Edmonton–Toronto 2004)

Image - Serhii Pylypenko (second row, fourth from left) among Ukrainian writers, painters, and composers (Kyiv, 1923). Image - Members of the Pluh writers' union (Kharkiv, 1923) Image - Pluh meeting (Kharkiv, mid-1920s). Left to right: S. Pylypenko, A. Hak, A. Paniv, I. Dniprovsky, S. Bozhko, V. Mysyk, V. Sosiura. Image - Yarema Aizenshtok, Dmytro Bahalii, and Serhii Pylypenko. Image - Bust of Serhii Pylypenko by his daughter Mirtala

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