Public Relief Committee of Ukrainian Emigrants in Romania

Public Relief Committee of Ukrainian Emigrants in Romania (Громадсько-допомоговий комітет українських еміґрантів в Румунії; Hromadsko-dopomohovyi komitet ukrainskykh emigrantiv v Rumunii). An organization in Romania of emigres from the central and eastern regions of Ukraine after the First World War. It was founded in 1923 in Bucharest and had local branches in Braşov, Vatra Dornei, Chişinąu, Piatra-Neamt, and Tolmadjiv. The president was Kost Matsiievych, and the most active members were D. Heredot, I. Havryliuk, V. Trepke, and H. Porokhivsky. The committee was active until the Second World War.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 4 (1993).]

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