Promin’ (Chernivtsi)

Promin’ (Chernivtsi) («Промінь»; Ray). A literary monthly published in Chernivtsi from 1921 to 1923 under the editorship of I. Pihuliak. Among its contributors were Olha Kobylianska, Osyp Makovei, Mykola Marfiievych, Ostap Vilshyna, Ostap Hrytsai, Fedir Dudko, Klym Polishchuk, Halyna Orlivna, Oleksander Oles, Antin Pavliuk (Yavir), O. Zaduma, Vasyl Limnychenko, Andrii Voloshchak, Dmytro Makohon, Volodymyr Zalozetsky-Sas, Mariika Pidhirianka, Melaniia Nyzhankivska, Lavro Myroniuk, and Opanas Shevchukevych. It ceased publication after Pihuliak's emigration and because of the pressures of Romanian censorship.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 4 (1993).]

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