Pravda (Winnipeg)

Pravda (Winnipeg) («Правда»; Truth). A farmer-worker newspaper in Canada. It appeared weekly and then semimonthly in Winnipeg from February 1936, and then continued as a weekly in Toronto from 1938 to June 1940 under the title Vpered. It was published by breakaway members of the Ukrainian Labour-Farmer Temple Association, including Danylo Lobai, M. Khvalyboha, Toma Kobzei, and N. Handziuk. Although the paper retained its socialist perspective and supported the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (CCF) in Canadian politics, it openly criticized policies of the Soviet Union and gradually moved toward a compromise with Ukrainian nationalist organizations in Canada. The chief editor of both Pravda and Vpered was D. Lobai.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 4 (1993).]

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