Pedagogical tekhnikums

Pedagogical tekhnikums (педагогічні технікуми; pedahohichni tekhnikumy). Institutions of secondary learning in Ukraine, established in 1920. They trained teachers for grades one to four of the general elementary-school system, preschool teachers, and instructors in political education institutions, such as clubs and libraries. Tekhnikum students were graduates of seven-year elementary schools. Social, general educational, and pedagogical courses were taught at the tekhnikums. The three-year program of the tekhnikums also included some practical pedagogical training. In 1927 there were 61 pedagogical tekhnikums in Ukraine, with 8,990 students (of which 7,620 were Ukrainian) and 920 staff. In over two-thirds of the tekhnikums, Ukrainian was the language of instruction. In 1937 the tekhnikums were reorganized into pedagogical schools.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 3 (1993).]

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