Ozarkevych, Yevhen

Ozarkevych, Yevhen [Озаркевич, Євген; Ozarkevyč, Jevhen], b 8 June 1861 in Beleluia, Sniatyn county, Galicia, d 21 September 1916 in Vienna. Physician and civic leader; full member of the Shevchenko Scientific Society and head of its Medical Commission from 1899. A graduate of Vienna University (1891), he worked as a county doctor in Bosnia, Rozhnitiv, Stryi, and Lviv and was an activist of burgher brotherhoods. In Stryi he organized the Mishchanska Besida society, and in Lviv the Narodnia Lichnytsia society, whose clinic he directed (1903–14), and the Ukrainian Physicians’ Society (1910). He edited the short-lived NTSh scientific collection Likars’kyi zbirnyk (1898–1901), in which he published his articles and reviews, particularly of Ukrainian medical terminology, and the medical journal Zdorovlie (1912–14). He also coedited some volumes of the Zbirnyk Matematychno-pryrodopysno-likars’koï sektsiï NTSh. Ozarkevych was vice-president of the Prosvita society and president of its Lviv branch. During the First World War he served as a doctor for the Ukrainian prisoners of war in the internment camp in Wolfsberg.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 3 (1993).]

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