
Image - Opishnia: Trinity Church. Image - Opishnia: Poshyvailo family memorial museum. Image - Ceramics produced in Opishnia, Poltava oblast,

Opishnia [Опішня; Opišnja]. Map: IV-15. A town smt (2011 pop 6,003) on the Vorskla River in the raion of Zinkiv (Poltava oblast). Its history goes back to the 17th century. In the Hetman state it was a company town in Hadiach regiment and then in Poltava regiment, Zinkiv regiment, and again in Hadiach regiment. Since the 18th century Opishnia has been known for its handicrafts, especially weaving, pottery, and ceramics. Today its ceramics factory makes animal figures, tableware with traditional decorations, and clay toys. Opishnia boasts of several museums, including the National Museum-Preserve of Ukrainian Pottery, the Poshyvailo family memorial museum, and the Krychevsky family memorial museum (in a building designed by Vasyl H. Krychevsky). The 8th to 9th-century Opishnia fortified settlement is situated nearby.

[This article was updated in 2013.]

Image - Poltava region in the vicinity of Opishnia.

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