Odesa National Music Academy

Odesa National Music Academy (Одеська національна музична академія ім. Антоніни Нежданової; Odeska natsionalna muzychna akademiia im. Antoniny Nezhdanovoi). A school of advanced music education located in Odesa. Founded in 1913 on the basis of the Russian Music Society’s school (est 1897), it was divided in 1923 into the Odesa Institute of Music and the Odesa Music Tekhnikum. In 1928 the schools were combined as the Beethoven Music and Drama Institute, and in 1934 the Odesa Conservatory was re-established in its original form. In 1950 it was named in honor of the singer Antonina Nezhdanova. In 2002 the conservatory was granted a state institution of higher learning status; in 2012 its was granted the national institution of higher learning status and assumed its current name. Today the school has three faculties: piano performance, vocal training, and music theory; orchestral technique and conducting; and correspondence and graduate studies. Its graduates include the composer Kostiantyn Dankevych, the singers Mykhailo Hryshko, Oleksa Kryvchenia, Halyna Oliinychenko, Bela Rudenko, and Yelysaveta Chavdar, the violinist David Oistrakh, and the pianist E. Gilels. Its notable teachers include K. Dankevych, P. Movchaniuk, J. Perlman, Kostiantyn Pihrov, Josyf Přibik, Petro Stoliarsky, Mykola Vilinsky, and Vasilii Zolotarev.

[This article was updated in 2021.]

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