Nimchuk, Vasyl

Nimchuk, Vasyl [Німчук, Василь; Nimčuk, Vasyl'], b 6 July 1933 in Dovhe, Subcarpathian Ruthenia, Czechoslovakia, d 26 November 2017 in Dovhe, Transcarpathia oblast. Linguist; corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (formerly the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR) from 1990. After graduating from Uzhhorod University in 1955 and completing graduate studies there in 1958, Nimchuk was on the staff of the Institute of Linguistics of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR. Between 1998 and 2008 he served as director of the Institute of the Ukrainian Language of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. His works deal with dialectology, the history of the Ukrainian language, language contacts, onomastics, and the Old Rus’ and Old Church Slavonic languages. Among his major publications are Slovoobrazovanie imennykh chastei rechi v zakarpatskikh verkhnenadborzhavskikh govorakh (Word Formation of the Nominal Parts of Speech in the Transcarpathian Upper Borzhava Dialects, 1962), Slovnyk hidronimiv Ukraïny (Dictionary of the Hydronyms of Ukraine, 1979), Staroukraïns'ka leksykohrafiia v ïï zv’iazkakh z rosiis'koiu ta bilorus'koiu (Old Ukrainian Lexicography in Its Relations to Russian and Belarusian, 1980), Kyïvs'ki hlaholychni lystky (Kyiv Glagolitic Folia, 1983), and entries in Etymolohichnyi slovnyk ukraïns'koï movy (Etymological Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language, 1983–5) as well as Movoznavstvo na Ukraïni v XIV–XVII st. (Linguistics in Ukraine in the 14th–17th Centuries, 1985). He also wrote a study of the language of the Eusebius Gospel (2001).

[This article was updated in 2022.]

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