Mytsiuk, Oleksander

Mytsiuk, Oleksander [Мицюк, Олександер; Mycjuk], b 21 June 1883 in Novooleksandrivka, Katerynoslav gubernia, d 30 December 1943 in Prague. Economist, sociologist, and political activist; full member of the Shevchenko Scientific Society. A supporter of the Revolutionary Ukrainian party in the early 1900s, he was arrested and exiled for organizing a peasant alliance. After his release he joined the Ukrainian Party of Socialist Revolutionaries. During the Ukrainian struggle for independence (1917–20) he served under the Directory of the Ukrainian National Republic as minister of internal affairs and deputy minister of the national economy. After fleeing to Czechoslovakia he was a professor at the Ukrainian Husbandry Academy and then a professor and rector of the Ukrainian Free University in Prague (1938–9, 1940–1). Mytsiuk published articles and monographs in economics, including the textbooks Istoriia politychnoï ekonomiï (A History of Political Economy, 2 vols, 1922, 1923) and Agrarna polityka, 1800–1925 (Agrarian Politics, 1800–1925, 2 vols, 1925), Evraziistvo (Eurasianism, 1930), Agraryzatsiia zhydivstva Ukraïny na tli zahal’noï ekonomiky (The Agrarianization of the Jews of Ukraine against the Background of the General Economy, 1933), Narysy z sotsiial’no-hospodars’koï istoriï b. Uhors’koï, nyni Pidkarpats’koï, Rusy (Essays in the Socioeconomic History of the Former Hungarian, Now Subcarpathian, Ruthenia, 2 vols, 1936, 1938), and biographies of Tadei Rylsky (1933) and Serhii Podolynsky (1933).

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 3 (1993).]

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