
Muravev-Apostol. A noble family in Poltava gubernia, descended on the female side from Hetman Danylo Apostol. In 1801 the diplomat, senator, and writer Ivan Muravev (1765–1851), Danylo Apostol's grandson, was allowed to use the name Muravev-Apostol and to take over the Apostol family estates in Myrhorod county. His sons, Matvei Muravev-Apostol (1793–1886), Sergei Muravev-Apostol (1796–1826), and Ippolit Muravev-Apostol (1805–26), were involved in the Decembrist movement. Matvei was exiled to Siberia, Sergei was hanged, and Ippolit shot himself during the revolt of the Chernihiv Regiment. The male side of the family disappeared at the end of the 19th century.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 3 (1993).]

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