Mochulsky, Vasilii

Mochulsky, Vasilii [Мочульский, Василий; Močul'skij, Vasilij], b 13 January 1856 in Striukove, Ananiv county, Kherson gubernia, d 21 January 1920 in Odesa. Literary historian. Among his works on the history of Russian literature are several studies that deal with the Ukrainian language or Ukrainian literature: K istorii malorusskogo narechiia (Toward a History of the Little Russian Dialect, 1894), Malorossiiskie i peterburgskie povesti N.V. Gogolia (Nikolai Gogol’s Little Russian and Petersburg Stories, 1902), and Otnoshenie iuzhno-russkoi skholastiki 17 v. k psevdoklassitsizmu 18 v. (The Relation of the South Russian Scholasticism of the 17th Century to the Pseudoclassicism of the 18th Century, 1904).

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 3 (1993).]

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