Mlotkovsky, Liudvig

Mlotkovsky, Liudvig [Млотковський, Людвіґ; Mlotkovs'kyj, Ljudvig; aka Młatkowski, Molotkovsky], b ca 1795, d 27 March 1855 in Mykolaiv, Kherson gubernia. Stage actor and theater managing director of Polish origin; husband of Liubov Mlotkovska. He worked in A. Zmiievsky’s troupe in Kyiv (1816–20) and in I. Stein’s troupe (1820–32) and from 1833 had his own troupes in Kursk (until 1836), Kharkiv (until 1837), and Kyiv (until 1840). He returned to Kharkiv, where in 1842 he built a new theater, organized a theater school, and staged Ivan Kotliarevsky’s and Hryhorii Kvitka-Osnovianenko’s plays. He also built a theater in Bobrynets.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 3 (1993).]

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