
Image - The Shevchenko Scientific Society (NTSh) convention in Mittenwald (1947). Image - Mittenwald DP camp: a Ukrainian elementary school. Image - Mittenwald DP camp: Ukrainian school of iconography.

Mittenwald. A health and vacation resort center (2019 pop 7,327) in Germany on the Isar River near the Austrian border in Bavaria. After the Second World War many Ukrainian displaced persons were housed at two displaced persons camps in Mittenwald: 2,900 in Jäger-Kaserne (1946–51) and 1,200 in Pionier-Kaserne (1947–50). At the time a parish of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox church and two parishes of the Ukrainian Catholic church, Ukrainian kindergartens, elementary schools and a secondary school, libraries, a teachers' seminary and vocational courses, choirs, the Theater-Studio of Y. Hirniak and O. Dobrovolska (1947–9), and the Plast Ukrainian Youth Association were active there. The weekly bulletin Taborovi budni (1947), the religious weekly Khrystyians'kyi shliakh (1946–7), the Christian monthly Khrystos nasha syla (1946–7), and the sports weekly Zmah (1946) came out in Mittenwald.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 3 (1993).]

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