Maruniak, Volodymyr
Maruniak, Volodymyr [Маруняк, Володимир; Marunjak], b 2 November 1913 in Rozhubovychi, Peremyshl county, Galicia, d 28 June 1997 in Munich, Germany. Community figure, journalist, and scholar. A graduate of the Free School of Political Science in Prague (1936), in 1940 he moved from Prague to Berlin, where he served as the cultural-educational and propaganda representative of the Ukrainian National Alliance and edited its newspaper Ukraïns’kyi visnyk (Berlin). A postwar displaced person in Germany, he worked for the Information Section of the Central Representation of the Ukrainian Emigration in Germany (1947–9) and was European secretary of the Ukrainian Canadian Relief Fund (1950–1) and representative of the United Ukrainian American Relief Committee in northwestern West Germany (1954–9). Later he worked as an editor for the newspaper Ukraïns’ke slovo (Paris) in Paris (1964–9) and the Radio Liberty Ukrainian broadcast section in Munich (1972–8). Maruniak edited a book about the Ukrainian Gymnasium in Czechoslovakia (1975) and wrote books on the Ukrainian displaced persons in Germany and Austria after the Second World War (1985) and on the émigré leader Oleksander Boikiv (1986).
[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 3 (1993).]