Markus, Vasyl

Markus, Vasyl [Маркусь, Василь; Markus', Vasyl'], b 27 December 1922 in Bedevlia, Maramureş region, Transcarpathia, 15 October 2012 in Chicago, Illinois, USA. Political scientist and activist; full member of the Shevchenko Scientific Society and the Ukrainian Academy of Arts and Sciences in the United States. After studying Slavic studies at the Ukrainian Free University (Ph D, 1948) and law at the University of Paris (Ph D, 1956), he taught Russian at Notre Dame University (1959–62) and political science at Loyola University in Chicago (1962–88). He collaborated for many years on Entsyklopediia ukraïnoznavstva (Encyclopedia of Ukraine, 10 vols, 1955–84) and was an editor of Ukraine: A Concise Encyclopedia (vol 2, 1971) and an associate editor of the first two volumes of Encyclopedia of Ukraine (1984–8). He headed the encyclopedia of the Ukrainian diaspora project and was active in the Ukrainian Catholic church and other Ukrainian organizations. Besides numerous articles on current and historical themes he wrote the monographs L’incorporation de l’Ukraine subcarpathique à l’Ukraine soviétique, 1944–5 (1956) and L’Ukraine soviétique dans les relations internationales et son statut en droit international, 1918–1923 (1959).

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 3 (1993).]

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